Rooftop shouting.
May 23, 2008, 7:17 pm
Filed under: Truth

Commence: Now!

Instead of a box of chocolates life is more like forcing yourself to stare into the sun. Or reaching into the lion’s mouth. Have faith in God, climb in, sift through his entrails. You’ve got to pull your soul out.

And anyone who says it isn’t is a liar and should be fwapped in the face by an old man’s cane for living like spooked horses heading toward ravines.

Step one in grabbing the reigns: Really remember that you can do all things through Christ who strengthens you. The lie of youth is that nothing is impossible, the lie of adulthood is that everything is impossible. The word of Truth is that nothing is impossible with God. The stumbling block here is the stumbling block anywhere – the physical muckery of it all. Rationality is a custom concept. A connection to God is established when it becomes rational to do so. Set your limits HIGHER. Expect MORE. Raise the standards of what you put your trust into. Stop selling yourself short.

Quote me on this:
Faith is the place where rationality and spirituality meet. It is the intersecting point of two realities. It is a sixth sense. The only human means of transcending the confines of the few dimensions we can comprehend. People say the need for faith is God’s greatest curse. I think it is one of God’s greatest mercies.

We are spared from witnessing and physically taking part in a myriad of warfare and chaos (on our behalf) in other dimensions, at the hands of creatures far more powerful and capable than ourselves. If that isn’t enough, we are given the right to directly participate in fighting (and winning) these battles without so much as sustaining a scratch or smelling the burning “flesh” of the enemy. To access these battles and deal our death blows to the enemy, we must simply exercise our ability of Faith.

Faith is not easily definable in human terms, probably because it is so un-human. Or rather, un-what humans have become. It is the divine language of communion. It is excluded from culture, science, and most religion – but it is core and central to our being. Perhaps (to quote the late, great White Zombie) it is MORE human than human.

Pray against devils. Pray against addictions. Pray against evil. Speak out against these things with the authority you have in Christ. If you are not in Christ, GET THERE. Break the chains you’ve been wrapped in. Crash through the windows. Run from the maze. Open the lion’s mouth and reach in and take back your soul.

It IS that easy.

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